Online Learning


Interested in learning the Creighton Model, but cannot attend in person? You’re in the right place! Learn from the comfort of your home or office via video chart (Zoom).

Required for online follow-ups:

  • A red pen and red sharpie for chart corrections

  • Creighton Model Booklet, Picture Dictionary, chart, and stamps on hand during follow-up

  • You must email a photo of the entire inside and back of your chart at least 12 hours prior to follow-up.

  • A quiet environment - we must be able to listen to each other without noise or distraction.

  • Any children (other than breastfeeding infants) need to be attended to by someone else during follow-up. This is not only for a follow-up free from distraction, but also allows for us to have an open conversation about charting.

What’s next?

Sign up for an online Introductory Session (group or individual). If you decide to begin charting, I will mail you materials (or drop off if you are local) and we will schedule your first follow-up.

Sign up now >>